Sunday, December 30, 2007

Generate your own jargon

With just a click, this little ap will provide the verb, adjective and noun you'll need to write that important grant proposal, or just stupify your friends. Educational Jargon Generator. I saw it at Joanne Jacobs blog and she saw it somewhere else. I've seen print versions for political speeches.

I wonder if Joe Morgenstern uses something like this to write his film reviews for WSJ? Friday he reviewed "There will be blood." As usual, by the time I worked my way through the complicated phrasing and multiple layers of performances by which actor played who in other films I didn't see, I had no idea why Daniel Day Lewis should have an Oscar for this. Four and five clauses per sentence using commas and dashes followed by parentheses just make my eyes swim.


JM said...

I don't think I get that one. I'm the master of run-on sentences though so I think it would be a great asset for me if I ever did figure it out and was able to use it. ;-)

Viamarie said...

Just passing by to wish you and your family a fun-filled new year's eve celebration.

May your lives be blessed as you see God bring forth new things in the coming year.

Cheers to 2008!!!