Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pray for another Carter

I noticed this at a comment at another blog--no identification, so I can attribute: "As for right now, Republicans should pray Obama is a new Carter. If he is the next FDR, prepare for forty years in the desert."


R. L. said...

So, on other words, they don't care if the country gets worse as long as Obama fails. Nice.

R. L. said...

"in" other words.. not "on".

Norma said...

RL, you 'ol lefty. No one misinterprets better than you. They are trying to think positive! 4 years or 40. A failed socialist agenda, or a successful failed agenda. Simple.

Anonymous said...

Rather than referring to Obama as a socialist or Marxist, it may be more accurate to call him a globalist or internationalist, especially since he has such wealthy, capitalist advisers. A model for his style would be the "Rights by Stealth" http://www.c-fam.org/docLib/20080425_Number_8_Rights_By_Stealth.pdf which although its about abortion, outlines how international treaties and law are put above national interests.

Three Score and Ten or more said...

I don't think "Rights by Stealth" applies to Obama (the title, not the text). With his oratorical skills, nothing will be stealthily done. Thank you Norma for dropping by occasionally. I am a bit distracted and hearing (seeing?) your voice was pleasant.