Thursday, February 05, 2009

The eight babies blindfold

Both conservative and liberal talking heads, bloggers and comics are beating this one to death. I'm guessing the "sperm donor" and the "doctor" are one and the same for all her babies. I can't believe the conservatives calling for special laws. Just how often does some dysfunctional woman do this that it needs legislation that isn't already on the books?

But in the few minutes the media spend to update their outrage, twice that many anchor babies will be born in California. Then with Congress's "new" open borders and family values shtick, those babies' grandparents, siblings and aunties will be urged to come and sup at the table of the rich Americans. You know them. The ones who won't do the construction jobs, the restaurant jobs, the retail jobs, the trucking jobs so we've got to import workers. At least these 14 babies' relatives say they are returning to Iraq, or where ever they came from. The Democrats want two things out of this border mess--enough gardners, maids and laborers for their private vineyards and estates, and enough voters to keep them in office.

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