Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Book Club Selections for 2009-2010

Can you believe we're writing 2010 already? Where did Y2K hysteria go? Into the current Swine/Mexican/Sebelius Influenza zone? Usually, I have the list up on my blog next day, because I take notes, but last night I was in the kitchen pouring lemonade and iced tea while the ladies lobbied their titles for next year. I remember a few--my choice of "Dewey," about the library cat of Spencer, Iowa; Three cups of tea; memoir of the lady who writes Ann Landers; The Virginian; something about Julia Child with a cooking lesson; Pilgrim's Progress; a really long title about a ladies' club on an island during WWII. I'll add the rest when I get the list.

The hostess doesn't need to supply the snacks, she has a co-hostess for that. Marcy brought dessert, so all I had to do was put out plates and serve the drinks--iced tea and lemonade and decaf. I used my good china--which I'm doing more often. What am I waiting for? No one touched the decaf and I had tea and lemonade left, so I mixed that together, but sent the yummies home with Marcy so I wouldn't be tempted. She'd made ginger snaps to go with the fresh fruit and dip, and my goodness! they were good. I think the only kind I'd ever had were factory made. Huge difference! My husband directed traffic to the neighbors' drive-ways--someone in another condo was also having a party, so parking was very tight.

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