Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW)

Unstoppable Global Warming, Every 1,500 Years (Rowman & Littlefield, 2008) by Fred Singer and Dennis Avery sums up the theory of human-caused (anthropogenic) global warming:
  • Computer models that cannot explain past temperature, let alone accurately forecast future ones, and whose funding depends on the public's fear of radical warming.

  • Activists who oppose modern technology, abhor expanding human populations, and especially hate the low-cost energy that alleviates human poverty and misery. They say we must...renounce attractive lifestyles, give up high-yield farming, shorten millions of lives, and put more pressure on Third World forests for fuelwood.

  • European politicians.

  • Journalists looking for scary headlines.

  • Various national and international bureaucracies and UN-appointed members and staff of the Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change. [p.198] Link
It's on list of books to read.

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