Monday, May 23, 2011

Christian and Jewish Leaders Respond to Obama's Attack on Israel

Probably a good thing he flew off to Moneygall--things are pretty hot here at home. Pamela Geller summarizes some of the outrage in this piece (although she didn't include me). How many of these concessions have worked in the past? Is his intention to destroy Israel, or maybe, to destroy his chances of a second term--'cause maybe he's just tired?

Christian and Jewish Leaders Respond to Obama's Attack on Israel - Atlas Shrugs


Anonymous said...

It's the same position previously held by GWB, Netanyahu, and Newt.....

Norma said...

Can you site the source? And were they hostile to Israel's existence and chummy with Muslim powers?

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Norma, have you noticed how Liberals always go backward in an attempt to respond to any criticism about what is happening today? Bush is over! Don't they understand that we know whatever Bush did or didn't do is no longer relevant to the destruction of our great country that's taking place under the Obama administration? LOL