Thursday, May 12, 2011

Hispandering--Obama on the campaign trail with amnesty

Amnesty: IRCA was its name during the Reagan years. Republicans rose up against President Bush when he tried it--and his was a bid for Hispanic votes too.

On November 6, 1986, after thirty-four years with no new major immigration legislation and a six-year effort to send an acceptable bill through both houses of Congress, the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA; PL 99-603) was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan. IRCA tried to resolve the following problems:
•Jobs lost by citizens and taken by illegal aliens, with resulting lower wages paid to illegal aliens
•Costs of services and welfare for illegal aliens and their low tax payments
•Exploitation of illegal aliens
•Social fragmentation of local communities
•The need to reestablish the power of law and the principle of U.S. sovereignty
To control illegal immigration IRCA adopted three major strategies:
•Legalization of a portion of the undocumented population (aliens in the country without legal papers), thereby reducing the number of aliens illegally resident in the United States
•Sanctions against employers who knowingly hired illegal aliens
•Additional border enforcement to impede further unlawful entries
Read more:

So did IRCA work? No, especially not the improved border patrol that was promised. But through familial chains (each amnestied family member bringing in other family members--parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, etc.), it exacerbated the problem. So instead of 3 million, we have 11 million, although no one knows for sure. The media will only report the sob stories of children brought into the country and now graduating from high school with the U.S. the only country they have known. Hispanics (a made up word) now outnumber African Americans as our largest minority, and their leaders are becoming more militant and anarchist each day, wiping out the gains made by other minorities.


Rep. Gutierrez Demands Amnesty Through Executive Order Will Obama comply with his demands? - Yahoo! Answers

Radical California Latino Lawmaker Pushes Amnesty, and Freebies for Illegal Aliens |

Complete text of President Obama’s immigration speech in El Paso | Texas on the Potomac | a blog

The speech of the President in El Paso in tone and text, was one of the worst I've ever heard--sarcastic, whiny, insulting, and degrading to all.

Just as we have hard ship cases on other laws, for instance for refugees, I'm sure something can be done here--take some of the legal resources currently used by Holder and Obama to take apart our system, and focus them on anchor baby high school graduates who are at risk of having their parents deported.

I'm all for immigration--my ancestors were immigrants in the 1730s. There were rules and procedures then, too. Had to swear allegiance to the King of England. But no more amnesty for those who came here illegally, or were brought in illegally by coyotes, their own parents, some trafficking in persons plan or the Mexican mafia drug cartel. Let Mexico clean up its own country, close its own poverty gap, and arrest its own criminals. The stipends that U.S. illegals send home is floating Mexico's economy, delaying its economic growth.

Mexico's immigration and citizenship rules are much stricter than the U.S. Let's take a look at how they do it.

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