Friday, May 20, 2011

Obama's May 19 speech

The advisers, czars and minions of the Obama administration have skillfully placed dynamite in the cracks of our culture--a deteriorating, decaying hodge-podge of special interests, academicians lusting for government grants, rabble rousers of multiculturalism, diversity and feminism, greedy union thugs, weak churches of all denominations and sects, government controlled and regulated capitalist-cronyism, environmentalist green-pantheists, and voters who have become couch potatoes, slugs and voyeurs watching celebrities copulate and the obese, brides and dancers frolic on reality TV.

If there is a Jonah or Noah or Moses out there struggling with God about who he should send to warn, rescue or lead us, I hope God wins the argument, but it’s just possible He’s looked at this mess and said, "You’ve got just what you deserve," and this is the man I've chosen to blow up an interesting experiment.

President Obama’s Message To Israel: Go To Hell

Jewish donors warn Obama on Israel

Israel Expects Obama to Take Back ‘1967 Lines’ Demand - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Column One: Obama’s war on Israel - JPost - Opinion - Columnists


Deborah M. said...

Norma, that says it & expresses my anger precisely. You get what you pay for, and you pay for what you get. God help us indeed.

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
The alarm has gone off and the masses have hit the snooze alarm!
As long as the MSM remains silent, the masses will continue to sleep.Hopefully, if they do decide to wake, they'll claim the Tea Party Movement as their only earthly salvation.

Norma said...

There are many journalists who are Jewish, with a strong affection for Israel, who through their parents' and grandparents' retelling of the story how the U.S. snoozed through the 30s, just may realize that the alarm is for them.