Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Detroit is Functionally Illiterate

Over 50 years of Democrats' stranglehold on the city, and 47% of adults in Detroit are illiterate. That means they can't read, or don't care about the report that says "Detroit spent $15,945 per pupil for the 2010-2011 school year. By comparison, the average per pupil expenditure during the 2007-2008 school year nationally was $10,259."

And look folks, it's certainly not the Teachers' fault--and their union will tell you so.

"The Detroit Federation of Teachers (DFT), however, is adamant that the problem actually lies with the city’s failure to effectively enforce school attendance.

“I don’t think that that the teachers’ union has a responsibility for making sure that adults can read,” DFT president Keith Johnson told TheDC."

Detroit | Functionally Illiterate | National Institute for Literacy | The Daily Caller

The Report


Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
They are probably setting the standards too high. Like maybe expecting the students to be able to read BEFORE they enter high school. So just lower the standards like the exams for the police dept. in Dayton, Ohio. They lowered their grading system making a F a passing grade so more minorities could become protectors of the citizenship. It Has to work if all they want is more! Oh and much thanks to the DOJ's Eric Holder. He heap big smart problem solver.

ColoComment said...

I grew up in a suburb of Detroit (left it for the last time in late 1970). What happened to Detroit over the last ~4 decades is criminal, and I suggest that it would date from the July, 1967 riot.