Monday, April 23, 2012

Need any talking points about women?

According to The Kitchen Cabinet, a conservative women's group focusing on economic and leadership issues, Obama is desperate to bring women back to the Democrat womb for rebirthing, and provides some talking points about what's up with all this contraception business.

Historically, the Democratic Party always attracts more women voters than Republicans. This year however, women voters are disenchanted with Barack Obama’s leadership, and that is why we see the unexpected windfall of FREE contraceptives for women! It’s quite a generous offer, especially considering that there hasn’t been a peep out of women from either party, complaining about a shortage!

More than six percent of democratic-voting women already confirm that they will not repeat their votes for the President. It is no surprise then that Obama strategists are desperate to find a way to distract women who feel the pinch of a bad economy.
Continue reading here for the talking points.

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