Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Attackers get personal

When attackers come to my blog, they don’t get published.  They never have a single fact to contradict what I say, but they have lots of names for me.  They know nothing about Obamacare, or shutting down the coal industry in Ohio, or killing born alive infants who were supposed to die during an abortion, or the gay agenda of Obama’s education appointees, or how much Michelle spends on her vacations, or who died in Benghazi after how many hours of pleading for help.  But they can attack me and call me a hater.  Wonder why they don’t call him a hater?


Miranda S said...

Your blog was recommended to me by a Christian friend who is also a librarian. I only read your posts from the last few days but that was enough for me.

I'm a lifelong Republican, and maybe too old to weigh in on such things, but your writings were offensive to me and not entirely accurate on the issues. This is not meant as an attack. Just a gentle reminder to a fellow Christian that hate does not nurture or motivate change, which I assume is one of the reasons you write.

I am no fan of Mr. Obama's but I don't see how these kinds of writings help us take back the White House or turn this country around morally and economically.

Wishing you a less angry heart, and the peace that comes with letting God's love guide your writing. Use your talent to enrich this great country and its leaders, not to tear it down and foster anger.

Sincerely, Miranda Sanderson

Norma said...

You aren't specific about what is "hate," because I don't write hate, I write truth and cite sources. Do you think Obama will protect the unborn? Do you believe in traditional marriage? Are you happy with the national debt? Do you think Obama hasn't gone into more nations in the middle east than GWB? So how is it hate to cite this things I don't believe in.

Is it hate if someone who supports a dog or cat rescue to show photos of euthanized pets? Is it hate if someone who believes in global warming to show icebergs meltings?

What is your standard for hate, Miranda, the Democratic party or the Bible? Please tell what is offensive to your idea of truth.

Norma said...

P.S. Have you ever read the Psalms? The prophets? People of faith speaking out about wrongs in the world is a very old tradition for Christians and Jews. No one mentions hell in the N.T. more than Jesus.

Anonymous said...

thank you MirandaSanderson I alos don't think writing like this does much for the country, It does,however,make her feel better(or worse in the actual). She remains a very unhappy,and sour person and maybe more so by Obama's current victory in the polls. I pray for compromise and a soften on all sides. It is a must...Thank you for sharing your thoughts with her readers.

Norma said...

You can ignore her, Miranda. She'll get out of a sick bed, and go campaign out of state for her candidate, put blisters on her feet walking the streets or marching in parades, but if I blog--whew! I'm a hater. Go figure.

Jesus never told the Christians to give their money to the Roman government to take care of the poor and needy. He told them to do it themselves. Now churches take tax money from the government (they don't pay taxes) and then that prevents them from doing what Jesus told them to do--"Go. Tell people about me."

Anonymous said...

54 million aborted babies. That's my definition of hate.

Norma said...

Thank you Anon. Can't tell you how many Republicans I've heard/seen yesterday and today who say can't we just get rid of the religious stuff and still be a party? Let's ask the Germans of the 1930s. They kept attending church ignoring what the government was doing. Let's ask Americans of the 1850s. If they didn't own slaves was it any of their business?

When Obama goes to forced abortions instead of sterilizations in Catholic hospitals, will you still vote Democrat or will you still think Republicans need to ignore morality?