Saturday, November 03, 2012

Is this the fundamental change you wanted in 2008?


We've got more debt and expanded wars, more pay offs to unions,  more crony capitalism, less transparency, a shadow president (Valerie Jarrett) much more dangerous than Rove and now another big FEMA fiasco, Sandy, with cold, hungry and powerless people after 6 days.  Medicare and Medicaid are still riddled with fraud and waste and many doctors are retiring early or changing careers. We’re facing a huge tax increase come January.  NCLB has morphed to an even bigger federal program RTTT and Social Security hasn't been fixed.  The DoJ is running guns to Mexico, and the CIA to Syria. It won’t be in time for the election but there WILL BE an investigation of Obama and Clinton’s politically based decisions and behavior on September 11, 2012, that will dwarf Watergate.  . 

So those of you who wanted fundamental change  in 2008, is this what you had in mind?

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