Saturday, November 03, 2012

Watergate vs. Benghazigate


People under 60 probably don't remember that in 1972 the press chair wasn't empty--NYT, Time and Washington Post were on the ball then because they hated President Nixon who was covering up a burglary that didn't even help his campaign. He hid his involvement and was reelected in a landslide. Later in 1973 when the cover up was revealed (after the election), he resigned. Obama won't be that patriotic, but eventually his cover up will be revealed. No one died in Watergate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
It won't make any difference if Obama gets re-elected. Obama the dictator will rule forever. He will make this our last election for President as he will use his self-proclaimed authority to control EVERYTHING! He hasn't left much out as it is!