Sunday, April 14, 2013

Our freedom of the press—abused and aborted


We know the Democrat party officially supports abortion for any reason at any time.  Therefore, when a tragic story involving the truth and horror of abortion hits the front pages, our main stream media has to run and hide as an apologist for the Democrats and President Obama, who as an Illinois Senator was willing to deny health care to a newly born American, whose mother intended for it to be aborted. Finally, this past week,  USA Today and The Atlantic have published two opinion pieces from Democrats on the failure of the media to report on the murder of women and babies, and the filth and horror of Gosnell’s abortion clinic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Unfortunately a high percentage of the masses DO NOT realize the importance of the influence the MSM has on them. It is has a brainwashing affect. Considering that the small local newspapers across our great country rely heavily on sources like AP for their national news to fill their columns makes it a huge influence. And if you've been alert, you know how liberal they can be. In order to know what's really going on they need to read columnists like Krauthhammer, Malkin, Coulter and Sowell. They also need a touch of Fox News. Well...maybe more than a touch!