Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Oprah and Till

It’s very unfortunate that Oprah Winfrey, the richest and most successful woman in the United States, has passed along the misinformation that the Emmett Till case of 60 years ago is like the Trayvon Martin case.  Essentially, she’s said the last 50 years of the civil rights movement, her rise to prominence, the election of thousands of black officials to city and state and federal governments, the election of a black president, a growing middle class and rich CEOs like her have been for nothing.  Both the Defense and the Prosecution said the Martin/Zimmerman case was not about race. Martin attacked Zimmerman, and was bigger than Zimmerman.  His friend Rachel said on the Piers Morgan show that Zimmerman didn’t understand “whoop ass” and that he was a creepy ass cracker maybe a gay man intent on raping Martin. Emmett Till was 14, was from Chicago visiting in Mississippi, and flirted with the wife of a convenience store owner.  Does that sound like the Trayvon Martin case? Till was kidnapped, tortured and murdered and dumped in a river.  Zimmerman called the police and clearly thought he was in danger of his life when attacked.  Maybe it’s true what Obama says about rich fat cats—they lose their perspective. Oprah certainly did.  If she said this to get publicity for her new movie, her respect meter really sinks.


Anonymous said...

There are similarities. Both of the dead were black and the incidents both had convenience stores. Both had young men out of the neighborhood and culture. Both happened in the South. For Oprah, Jackson, and Obama, that was enough to wipe out 60 years of effort, laws, regulations and change.

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Do you really suppose Oprah, Jackson and Obama considered any simularities? I don't think so. They will say anything to fan the flames of racism. They prove that every time they ignore black on white or black on black crimes.