Friday, December 06, 2013

Three phases of ObamaCare by James Taranto

Phase 1, the technical failure, might have been avoided had the administration had some basic standards of competence. But Phases 2 and 3 are inherent in the law.

Phase 2 was the revelation that the ObamaCare enterprise is the most massive consumer fraud in American history--that the "if you like your plan, you can keep it" sales pitch was not only false but deliberately deceptive, and also that ObamaCare forces insurance companies to engage in dishonest practices such as selling maternity coverage to men and postmenopausal women. "Health care experts say, it's not out of the question that the Obama administration could face the worst-case scenario on Jan. 1: the number of uninsured Americans actually goes up." Politico.

Phase 3 will develop over the coming months. Phase 3 is the demonstration that even if the system is technically functional and the fraud impervious to redress, ObamaCare is economically unviable because of adverse selection: Americans who stand benefit from the law's price controls, the old and the sick, will buy insurance in large numbers, while those who get hit by them, the young and the healthy, will not.

There’s more.

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