Saturday, May 27, 2023

A return to the worship of Caesar

Calling out every organization and person that doesn't bow and worship the policies and confusions of the Biden administration as "white supremacists" is indeed ugly and false. It's also leftist dog whistle for "Christian." But Rome did that too in the first and second centuries. Christians were expected to worship Caesar and were considered immoral pagans because they didn't revere the Roman gods. They were "cancelled" too--thrown to the lions for entertainment. We've been through this before. But Garland/Biden Satan's tricks don't change much. Be brave and smart. Don't let Garland Goons go after Christians with his names and slurs. Speak up.

"Soviet dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote in Gulag Archipelago (pg. 505 if you’re interested) that in the early days of the USSR, thieves and murderers were often treated with kid gloves. They could be rehabilitated, the party line went, and they were often allowed to commit crime if they targeted the right people.

Not so for anyone considered a “political criminal,” either directly or by association. Those people eventually ended up in the GULAG. Now this might seem unsurprising, until you realize that the crime of opposing the state could be something as simple as having more money than your neighbor, belonging to the wrong ethnic group, being Christian or simply existing."

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