Friday, May 05, 2023

Pro-life pediatricians attacked

Although I don't like politics and social issues preached from the pulpit, I do believe churches need to support inquiries into movements and political agendas that go against the teachings of Christ and Christians trying to follow his justice, truth and mercy. Churches preach about friendship, brotherhood and family yet ignore the divisions in their own congregations on life issues, whether that is abortion, euthanasia, trans abuse of children, war or the growing racial divides encouraged by the Marxists among us.
"Since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year, pro-life institutions and individuals have faced sustained attacks. The militant group Jane’s Revenge vandalized pregnancy resource centers, the FBI arrested pro-life father Mark Houck in Pennsylvania, and a deranged pro-abortion man plotted an assassination attempt on Justice Brett Kavanaugh. These unrelenting attacks show no sign of abating. Look no further than the latest assault on the American College of Pediatricians, also known as ACPeds."

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