Sunday, May 01, 2005

By popular demand

Vox Lauri says she can't believe I indexed my blogs. When I went back and checked (gave up after 3 or 4 months), it wasn't a very good index. But I did find my confession about Why Today I am Not a Democrat and the response a few entries later from Karen, another Democrat/Librarian who responded (I told her I'd reprint it from e-mail; I had no commenting feature at that time). In the process, I learned that I can't go back and edit (or delete) my old blogs--seems I can only drop back 300 entries in the editing function. And at the rate I write, that is nothing. The little edit access I have on the newer blogs doesn't seem to be there on the older ones. Anyway, it was November 2003, we were having local elections, the national scene was just heating up and Zell Miller was speaking out. So I was responding to that.


Feed Fido said...

Thanks, Norma. But why did you go (back) to Church?

Norma said...

I never left the church--have been a member (3 denominations) all my life, and very active. But until 1974, nothing clicked. I write about this in my other, other blog,