Tuesday, November 01, 2005

1708 Worst economy in 70 years

Remember that slogan from October 2004? I think it was the Kerry Kampaign. And here it keeps improving despite the hurricanes and high oil prices (gasoline is about $2.20 here in Columbus).

"U.S. economic growth sped up in the third quarter despite the impact of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, with consumer spending remaining strong as inflation pressures appeared to gather some steam.

The Commerce Department said Friday that gross domestic product grew at a seasonally adjusted 3.8% annual rate in July through September. The increase was driven by consumer spending and inventory changes and offset by slower growth in exports, housing investments and local government spending, the report said. GDP grew at a rate of 3.3% in the second quarter." WSJ Oct. 28

The economy will really improve when the current administration starts reining in some spending.

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