Wednesday, November 02, 2005

1711 Please don't feed the birds

Scotts Miracle Gro is expanding into the bird seed business. This is bad for the small niche pet food companies, but it's even worse for the birds. Now, if you Google the topic, backyard feeder + disease you'll find a lot of fence sitting, about the importance of keeping the feeders clean, the water fresh, not trying to treat sick birds. But let's use a little common sense. Feeders attract birds of all species who normally wouldn't get together and spread their viruses or parasites. Feeders discourage birds from eating insects, seeds and berries, their natural diet that helps our environment. They attrack skunks and raccoons and squirrels, just so you can sit in your kitchen and watch them squabble over some feed.

If the avian flu does comes around, I'm betting you'll see a change in the advice columns. People are already discouraged from feeding ducks around here. The Canada geese now never go home. Honk. Honk. Why fly south when Columbusites make it so comfortable to stay, or north in the summer. Signs are posted along the river and ponds instructing people not to do this, but many still do. Generations of mallards and geese have forgotten how to forage, plus they leave their feces everywhere in the park you might want to walk.

Be kind; don't feed the birds.


Bonita said...

Good point, Norma - don't feed the birds!

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't fully agree here. I think that like in most thing, people tend to overdo it.

Feed the birds, but very sparingly and wise.

Know what your'e doing, what kind of feeder to use IF you use one, WHEN to use it (in cold winters etc), what to feed and so on.

The best alternative is to have plants, bushes or trees that helps with the feeding with their seeds and creeps.

That's the natural way :-)