Sunday, May 28, 2006

2517 Saling at the Lake

Yard Saling, that is.

The right image is important--I wore two shades of denim and sensible librarian shoes

Lots of variety in this one--chairs, toys, mattresses, floral wreaths, picture frames, pots and pans

Lakesiders use the honor system--just drop the money in the jar and make your own change. This jar was full and I didn't see anyone around to take it in the house.

Every house on this corner had a sale. I think some people are just trading.


Froggie said...

Wow! The honour system while paying... I've never seen that!

I've often wondered if garage salers often buy and sell stuff they get at other garage sales. I used to live in a small town and I swear that some of the stuff I see at one garage sale I saw the previous week at a different garage sale. Interesting to know that I'm not the only one that things that. :)

Susan said...

I have never in my life seen any garage sale use the honor system. Down here, that would not fly.

It's neat that there are still places where you can trust people. Anyway, the garage sales look full...the kind I like.