Tuesday, July 10, 2007


The world's most active poet?

In the late 1970s I worked in the Agriculture Library in an agricultural credit program at Ohio State University. It was a terrific job--I think I worked 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., had summers off, and got full credit towards retirement. The job lasted about 3.5 years, and then I moved to the Latin American Studies library (I think that was the name then) in the Main Library (Thompson Library, now closed for remodeling), where I worked with John Bennett. He had a PhD in Romance Languages, was working in the library, writing and publishing poetry in his off hours. He was a good companion and interesting co-worker, even if I didn't understand his poetry. It seemed he had something new every week--or at least month. I looked at the OSUL NewsNotes today, and he's still at it.
    John M. Bennett, Rare Books & MSS Library, has published a book of collaborative full-color visual poetry, D RAIN B LOOM, Puhos, Finland: xPress(ed), 2006. 147 pages. Co-author is Scott Helmes.
I found NewsNotes by browsing Knowledge Bank, a digital archive of things published at and by OSU.

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