Thursday 13--what I do now I didn't do then
Carol at her blog had written a letter to herself of 10 years ago--the Carol of 1997; I couldn't think of anything for 1997, or 1987, so I dropped back to 1977. The children were 9 and 10, I was working a few hours a day in the main library at Ohio State, we'd joined a new and thriving church the year before. My parents and grandparents were alive, as were all my siblings. If it weren't for the fashions, it was a nice, pleasant decade. So what do I do now, I didn't do then?- 1. I make lists. I resisted this for years--and still rarely do it, but if there is a time crunch, I do make a list. I didn't even make a list for groceries, most of the time in the 70s. I just kept a typed list in my purse (same list every week) and could remember what we did and didn't have. Whatever automatic list maker I had in my head, got all filled up.
2. I belong to a book club now--joined in 2000, and the group is in its 26th year. However, I think I read less, but I do have more variety because on my own I rarely read fiction or mysteries.
3. I'm more proactive about my health, but still hate to exercise.
4. I occasionally have a glass of red wine--didn't drink at all until after my heart ablation in 2002, and still have never tasted beer (I think it smells like something has been left in the laundry basket).
5. I wear glasses now--prescription. I think I purchased reading glasses at a drugstore in the late 70s or early 80s, but didn't get into daily wear until 1993.
6. I travel outside the country now, but for years travel meant driving with 2 kids in the back seat (Mahhhhhaaaam, she's looking at me!) to visit relatives in Indiana and Illinos. Actually, in 1978 we did drive to Florida. Boy, is that a treat with squirmy, quarreling kids.

7. I spend more money on myself now than I did in the 70s.
8. Now my kids can cook for me, instead of the other way around. That's really great, and they both seem to enjoy entertaining.

9. I control more electronic gadgets in a day than what I would do in a year in 1977--digital camera, scanner, printer, 2 computers, email, blogging, cd player, DVD and VCR, several remotes, microwave, etc. Not into I-podding, blackberry, cell phones or MP3-ing. We have 6 TVs--we had one in 1977. The little photograph printer I bought this summer is still in the box, however, and I haven't connected my new mouse.
10. I pay more attention to political, national and international news, and read several newspapers, business and medical journals, but pay less attention to what's happening locally with the schools and city, and only read the local paper a few times a week.
11. I write more--I always wrote a lot (letters, essays, work related things)--a few hours a week, but now it is several hours a day.
12. I drive an older car now--in 1977 I had a 1976 Buick; now I drive a 6 year old van. Of course, I kept that Buick until 1985--tip for you parents: old sedans are great for teenagers.
13. I eat out more--it's a social thing, and there are many more restaurants to tempt us than 30 years ago. I go out earlier now for coffee--used to wait until the kids were in school, now I'm often the first customer.

Great list. I do a lot of the same things you do! Except eat out more...diet :(
Hi Norma - I enjoyed reading your list - and I'm thrilled my little post inspired you to write along similar lines.
This is a good topic idea. I may steal it someday too!
Very interesting Norma. Isn't it amazing how much has changed since the 70's.
Fun TT. I can relate to a lot of it...
Really great list! Thanks for sharing it with us. I can't wait to see what you do next week..
Fascinating TT. I was 4 in 1977 but I can see myself writing a similar list in 10 or 20 years when my children are adults.
Thanks for stopping by my TT.
Great list! What an interesting change, and yet, how they stayed the same. :)
We have a lot in common except my kids can't cook yet LOL.. Thanks for stopping by my TT post :D
I was married in June of 1977, so it's a vivid year for me as well. It's amazing when you stop to think that computers (as we now know them) didn't even exist then! I remember the first LED-display hand held calculator we had and how I thought it was just the most exciting thing because it had a square root function on it! How times change. :) (And how they stay the same...) Great TT!
Lists: I got through my first ten years of teaching without needing to write next day's agenda out. I would obviously write lesson plans but not a day book. Lists became very necessary as time went by, however.
your son's collar!!!!! that takes me back! lol!
Great list, Norma! I should do this one sometime.
Great List! In 1977 my parents added a set of twins to our growing family which made for the five "home-grown". Lovely idea.
Very interesting. Excellent idea for a TT.
thanks for stopping by my TT this past week! i agree with nicholas that you have a great TT topic idea here!
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