What will HillaryCare do about this?

- "Asian-American women have a life expectancy of almost 87 years; African-American men, 69 years. We have these facts on the authority of Eight Americas, a 2006 study by number crunchers at Harvard’s School of Public Health. Women in Stearns County, Minnesota, live about 22 years longer than men in southwest South Dakota, and 33 years longer than Native American men in six of that state’s counties. The gap between the highest and lowest life expectancies for U.S. race-county combinations is over 35 years. Some race-sex-county groups typically die in their nineties, others in their fifties. Some are healthier than the norm in Iceland, Europe, and Japan, others sicker than Nicaragua and Uzbekistan.
Factoring out wealth, race, and access to health insurance doesn’t eliminate most of these disparities. Low-income whites die four years sooner in Appalachia and the Mississippi Valley than they do farther north. The healthiest whites are low-income residents of the rural Northern Plains states. In the West, American Indians who remain on the reservation die much sooner than whites.
What accounts for these cavernous differences? Harvard dares to name six leading “risk factors” for the population as a whole—alcohol, tobacco, obesity, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose—and reports that these factors correlate strongly with the spread in life expectancy across its Eight Americas. One of the study’s authors ventured to suggest, albeit only in an interview, that where you live may point, in turn, to ancestry, diet, exercise, and occupation." Article in City Journal
Did she say anything about a healthcare plan with government enforced, mandatory diet, exercise and weight guidelines?
I noticed that one of the biggest killers of children are home accidents. Does the President's veto of SCHIP legislation mean he is pro-accidental pool-drowning?
Probably not Chuck. I doubt any healthcare plan can save children from drowing--that requires watchful parents or outlawing pools. They (Dems) don't want this SCHIP passed because they want the credit in the next go-around, so it was important to include unacceptable things to earn the veto.
Did I say she would mandate, or did I pose a question: "Will Hillary insist we mend our ways in order to reduce government health care costs after she extends it to all?" If the government is paying, it can set the rules just the way our current insurance programs work with prequalifications.
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