Thursday Thirteen--13 places my purse spread germs before 7 a.m.
Yesterday I was listening to a local radio talk guy discuss germs on a woman's purse, although it also applied to briefcases, backpacks, and bookbags. Women's purses are probably the worst, because women eat, handle food and use make-up, all of which create germ growth. So I checked Snopes because some of this was going around in e-mails about 2 years ago, and was being reported on TV health shows. What I found seemed to confirm it, although I didn't track down the original research.- "According to researchers at Nelson Laboratories in Salt Lake City, Utah, women's purses may be not only high in overall germ counts, but especially prone to carrying some of the most harmful varieties of bugs. Among the nasty bacteria found on purses were salmonella and E. coli, which can cause food poisoning and gastrointestinal problems, and pseudomonas, which causes eye infections. Perhaps even more cringe-worthy: researchers found evidence of trace fecal contamination on the majority of the purses tested. Results of the study were reported in a recent piece by the local news affiliate KUTV." Lifescript
1) My side desk at home (I don't work here; just pile things on it).
2) My office chair while I was gathering my coat, notebook, etc. to leave for the coffee shop.
3) Counter top in my office bathroom where I went to put on my lipstick.
4) Table top in the kitchen while I looked for a pencil.
5) Passenger seat of my van while driving.
6) Counter top at Panera's where I ordered, paid for and picked up a coffee cup.
7) Counter top where I poured the coffee and added cream.
8) Table top where I sat to drink my coffee and read.
9) Hearth of the fireplace next to my table.
10) Door hook in toilet stall of the ladies' room.
11) Sink top in the ladies' room when I washed my hands. Keep in mind you handle your purse before you wash your hands.
12) My lap, and the underside of the table, when I returned to the table.
13) Kitchen counter top when I got home.
My purse is fabric and not easy to clean; plus it's black and I can't see the soil. I'm guessing the handle is much dirtier than the bottom. The three worst places to put a purse, according to the research, were in my own home--the kitchen table, kitchen counter top, and the bathroom counter top. But think about that stall door in the ladies room at the restaurant. A power flush toilet with no lid--a door that is never cleaned but within spray range. Yuk. The door probably isn't much better than the floor, which at least might be mopped once a day.
What about your purse/briefcase? Where has it traveled today?
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Funny. You are cracking me up with this tt!
Food for thought there. I suppose you've also read the research about peanuts in bars?
Believe me, brief case lands in places that no one should touch.
Nice list. It does make you think, why wash my hands...I'm only going to pick up that nasty bag when I'm finished.
My hope is that coming into contact with germs makes one more immune to them.
cute purse!!! where'd you get it??
Germs? eh... I can't sweat the small stuff... (kidding!!)
I read about this recently, a purse and shoes are supposed to be the worst suspects!
Oh my germs are everywhere =)
happy TT!
There's something to be said for being exposed to germs, it helps our immune system. But I am with you about the purse in the bathroom, that's where I would have thought would have been the worst place.
I don't even worry about germs. Living with a poodle and four cats, what's the use?
SJ Reidhead
The Pink Flamingo
My children's school is having a problem with Staph infections and how germs can be transmitted. I found this very interesting and would have never thought of my purse as a potential carrier.
geeewwwwy..... I'm off to get my Purell now... hehe
Happy TT!
oh boy. Another thing for me to worry about. I think I am giving up my purse. I will just carry stuff in my pockets and wear gloves all of the time. hey , where is my purell. bye
Arggg..I'm off to clean my stash! LOL Thanks for sharing:D
Mine is up here;
Thursday Thirteen!
Happy TT!
I remember that story! (I live in Utah.) Probably ought to clean the bottom of my purse more often. At home I hang it on a door and only take it down when I'm on my way out of the house - although come to think of it, I did put it on the kitchen table this morning as I was making sure I had everything! Yikes!
Thanks for visiting my TT!
Hooray for a healthy immune system, but ewww, on some of those.
Interesting TT list.
Happy, healthy TT!
Umm, thanks. Now I'm both grossed out and ready to toss all of my purses (smile).
This is a funny/interesting theme. :)
Not that I have OCD, but working in restaurants has taught me to constantly wash everything, and I never thought how dirty my purse is.
What's funny is my almost 2yo likes to drag my purse all over the house.
Thanks for sharing this.
Happy TT!
Good Morning America did a segment on this very thing a couple of months ago. It really made me think about not putting my hands on the bottom of my purse and also what kind of purse to carry!
Good information.
Hmmmm.... My list would look alot like yours. Only add that my 20-month old son dragged it around the living room for a while. Does that mean it's infecting him with germs or the other way around???
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