Thursday Thirteen To-Do List
Last week I mentioned I'm not a good list maker, which is why TT works for me--sometimes. Here's my TT, and I only cheated a little, but it's finished.
1. Clean my office. It was out of control. In order to do #4, I needed to find the insurance papers which were at the bottom of the pile, but I found them.
2. Finish the laundry. I even did the ironing--what's one or two fewer blog entries?
3. Clean the bathrooms. Sort of--did one. In doing #8 I did wonder what 60,000 people gathered to watch the King did for restrooms in the 18th century. Do you ever think about that?
4. Make an appointment for the dentist. It's been almost 2 years since I fired my dentist, so I'm trying a new one. 8 a.m. Friday--must have had a cancellation--wasn't expecting it would be so soon.
5. Make an appointment at the vet for the cat. 9:45 Monday. She's a "cats only" vet, but kitty still doesn't appreciate it. She becomes 7 lbs of irritability.
6. Mail run for the church. We have several locations and on Thursday it's my turn to deliver the inter-campus mail. Fortunately, there were no heavy boxes this time and the wind wasn't blowing. At Mill Run there are usually gale force winds.
7. Flu shot--at the church next door. I was the only one at my time slot, so there was no wait. Pleasant young lady who caused no pain.
8. Read a few chapters of David McCullough's 1776. I'm leading the discussion for bookclub in November and need to refresh my memory and write up the questions. I only reread 2 pages, though, stopping at the amazing description of the London opening of Parliament and George III in 1775, which sets the symbolic stage for the hopelessness of the battle the Americans were in for. Hint: The Americans win, but it takes many years and a huge loss of life.
9. Write up the Visual Arts Ministry minutes. It would be a lot easier if I'd do this immediately (like last Friday), but a week late is better than the night before the next meeting.
10. Walk a mile. Counting walking to get the flu shot, I probably got 1.5 miles. Beautiful day--should have done 5.
11. Get prescription refilled. Not on that $4 list that all the big stores are offering. Wal-Mart started it, and now Target, Kroger, etc. have followed.
12. Buy my son-in-law's birthday present. He always gets the same thing. A gift card for Best Buy because then he can go wild buying movies he likes. They have a fabulous collection.
13. Buy snacks for Sunday's meeting. Didn't get this done, but did try a new recipe (the one with peaches that I noted in my blog in September), that I might make with apples for Sunday.
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It took me awhile to find which blog you post TT to, but here I am. Best Buy cards are IMHO, the best gifts ever. Anyone can find anything in best buy. Mu husband and I are both DVD freaks as well.
I like your list!
I had to go back and read again to see just what it was that left me with that "good feeling".
It's a busy list, yet your tone is very calm.
You would be a very nice person to know!
Well done on your list. I have several things that I've been putting off but really should do. Thanks for visiting!
Great list. Sounds like you were a very busy lady.
And I have to agree that Best Buy gift certificates are the best. Thats usually what my family gets me too.
I hope you manage to get it all done!
You sound like a very busy person lately. I do not even want to attempt to write down what I need to do, lest I get discouraged! :)
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