Monday, November 03, 2008

IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll: Day Twenty-One

Now it shows a 2.1 point spread?
Posted: Sunday, November 02, 2008. 46.7 to 44.6 with 8.7 undecided. It's hard to imagine anyone being undecided at this point, you can only hope they are pro-life coal miners.

"The race tightened again Sunday as independents who'd been leaning to Obama shifted to McCain to leave that key group a toss-up. McCain also pulled even in the Midwest, moved back into the lead with men, padded his gains among Protestants and Catholics, and is favored for the first time by high school graduates."

Sounds like some Christians just might be realizing that if we got 40+ million abortions with Roe v. Wade and pro-life presidents, how many more will there be when we have the one who has the most leftist record ever in the history of the nation on abortion.

Although I listen to conservative radio in the morning, the news breaks are all CNN. Today Tammy Bruce (no relation, lesbian, former president of NOW, former lefty now a conservative) was subbing for Laura Ingraham who has laryngitis. So it was a bi-polar moment when the news came on--it was all rah, rah Obama, McCain doesn't have a chance after hearing Tammy trying to rally the troops for McCain-Palin.

Update, final poll: Final IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll Shows Obama Leading McCain 51.5% to 44.3%.

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