If Congress approves Timothy Geithner
they prove what a phony President Obama is (I prayed for him this morning; did you?*). They won't need to wait 100 days, which is around the time we would expect to find out he has feet of clay in that mouth with a golden tongue. There aren't enough Republicans to stop this ridiculous slap in the face of honest Americans who struggle with that bizarre tome called the tax code every April, or quarterly the way this financial wizard nominated for the Obama cabinet refused to do, people who spend hundreds of dollars and even more hours wrestling with obscure phrases and filling in little lines, "if line 457d is less than the sum of P and Q of line 560, then go back and refigure line 30z and start over."If they approve tax cheat Geithner, Congress confirms that nothing Obama has said about "change" is true, except that he will continue to push the envelop on ethics and morality, not just in matters of life and death of fetuses and embryos, but in matters of personal behavior.
- * Heavenly father, be the father he never had. Lay your hand on him and guide him into righteousness, respect and obedience to your holy word, into a knowledge of history and a new found humility. Protect him, his family, staff and our nation from the terrorists within and outside our country's borders. In the holy name of Jesus, Amen.

Don't forget about the lobbyist he wants--they'll have to "change" some rules in place for his "hope" for that one to.
Geithner is not only a tax cheat, he has loose lips that could sink ships--Obama can't be happy about that China remark.
Murray sez:
The real ugly thing about what we have done to ourselves by electing this man as our leader is that if we were to wake up and want to impeach him, it would be next to impossible. Why? Because regardless of how bad he performs, every black person in America would riot.
In my opinion, his actions to this point are dangerously close to that of a dictator. He seems to have already forgotten his campaign commitment to "reach across the aisle" or "bring people together" when he refuses to take any republican's suggestions seriously and instead reminds them of "who won in November"!
And here's an inkling of the way it's gonna be: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0109/17862.html
That's bipartisanship, reaching across the aisle? It's really called something else but Norma has a family friendly blog so I can't say the words. :-)
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