Sunday, January 25, 2009

Today's new word is RECTITUDE

Today's is another good, solid lofty word you probably don't use in everyday conversation or correspondence. The piece I was reading was 100 years old. It comes from the Latin word rectus meaning straight or right, like rectangle. However, rectitude implies motives and judgement. It means strict observance of standards of integrity. Correctness of judgement. Rectitude is in such short supply, I can't even imagine using it. I'm not sure this is a word we would toss around the halls of Congress or the White House.

And now for today's prayer for President Obama, based on Psalm 62. The Psalms are great for Presidents; the book of Job instructive for pantheists who think they control the climate.

In God alone is our hope.
Jesus is our only fortress and rock,
and he is unchanging.
Whether high born or low born
our leaders are nothing without the Lord.
Make our President strong
so he won't be injured in falls from lofty places
where worshipers have put him in place of God. Amen

A grandmother told me this. Her grandson, attending a Lutheran pre-school in another city, watched the inauguration on Tuesday (most schools at all levels did this--we also did it when I was in grade school). He told his mother when he got home that "someone just like God was going to take care of them and nothing bad would happen."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Norma I don't care what you say. I'm tossing this around our federal government's idiot sanctuaries. Our congress has lost any sense of rectitude.