Universal pre-school
is one of Obama's plans. In today's WSJ opinion piece lauding such efforts, the writer finally got to the point.- The only lasting effect of average programs documented so far for all kids is a modest increase in behavior problems."
The number one positive thing the Obamas can do for children, they have done by being a married couple seen in close, familial activities with their children. For so many women, marrying the father or fathers of her children isn't even on the radar. Even having his mother-in-law with them is an excellent decision, because although it doesn't take a village or the government to raise a child, an extra set of eyes and the wisdom of an older generation sure helps. Who knows where Obama would be today if it hadn't been for his grandparents.
wrong. studies show that the earlier you reach a child, the more likely they are to retain information and be able to respond to logic and reasoning. So it is not money wasted - it is an attempt to raise the bar for our children in an educational system that needs a complete overhaul.
Go ahead, blame it on bad parenting skills. Obama is trying to help the children - and you're sitting there saying "it doesn't matter, they'll be stupid just like their parents."
shame on you. You, who preach all about love for the unborn innocent. I guess when they get a few years older, you stop caring.
Shame on you for not reading more closely. Universal pre-school means everyone. The benefits of pre-school help a little in the early grades--they've been tracking Head Start for years, been throwing millions at it. The excuse is always that there hasn't been enough money. Go in a read some of those programs. The are pure pork for the employees and bureaucrats. We chase the men out of the home by subsidizing the mothers, then expect Uncle Sam to be the step-father. Truly, a plan to destroy the most fragile in society, a good follow up to abortion.
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