Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Dear Brown, Voinovich and Kilroy

What's the point of our having elected senators and representatives, if you guys sit back and let the regulators do your job with no laws passed?

USAToday: "The latest step by the government to regulate carbon dioxide emissions saddles industry with uncertainty and potentially higher costs, industry groups said Monday after the Environmental Protection Agency declared carbon dioxide a health hazard.

The EPA's decision paves the way for new regulations on carbon dioxide emissions from power plants and factories even if Congress doesn't pass legislation to do so."

During the campaign, Obama promised he would raise energy costs for every American home and business, thus destroying jobs. Unfortunately, this is one promise he intends to keep. What else can this man do to worsen the economy? How about another job summit and invite more job destroying union reps?

We exhale CO2. I wonder if he know that?


Anonymous said...

Part of the plan to impoverish the United States. Eventually, even loyal Democrats will see the light, but it might be too late by then.

Norma said...

His poll numbers are the lowest for any president ever at this stage of his term. I think they are already catching on.