Wednesday, December 02, 2009

How I spent my vacation (from blogging)

Only my cousin seemed to miss me, but I was on a blogging break for about 6 days. I certainly didn't accomplish all I'd intended, partly because I didn't STOP reading other blogs--which is also very time consuming! And I continued to read in the topics that interested me. I'm a slow reader, have a few eye problems, so reading is sometimes a challenge.

1) Although I forgot to bookmark it, I read a study on NCLB that said it did indeed raise test scores of the bottom, most challenged group. But it was apparently at the expense of the top group which made no progress or even fell back. Sort of redistribution of wealth, Bush style.

2) Learned that the universe is composed 99.73% of "dark stuff." There are 3 types of dark (absence of light). Now we know of a fourth category, and it seems to be sucking in money in the area around the beltway.

3) I looked at the cheat sheet the Democrats printed up (pdf) of Obama's accomplishments to discuss over turkey. But it really was the turkey. Stuffed and expanded with lies, some created, some saved.

4) I began reading the Constitution of the United States. I may have had to pass a test on it in high school, but all I remembered was the preamble. A few weeks ago I bought a very small book from the Barnes and Noble bargain stack "The United States Constitution and other American Documents" (Fall River Press, 2009). It has almost no commentary except an introduction. I found it a fascinating read, and not at all the document that Obama claimed to know during his campaign, nor the one that conservative talkers say we're losing. It is 100% amazing in its brevity, insight into human nature and ability to see the future based on past events. And to think Congress must print 2,074 pages to fix a "system" that isn't a system, and isn't broken. I think it would be a great stocking stuffer, but I just checked the website, and it says they are sold out. That must mean other people are reading the original documents too.

5) I read an interesting comparison of the recent (Nov. 20 it was revealed about a decade of false information) manipulation and hiding of data about CO2 and its role in global warming with the "banned books" mythology and yearly event of the American Library Association at another blog.

6) I found out by following a link from ChemWeb Newsletter (in my e-mail) what makes up the dust in my house (remember--I was going to clean). Turns out 60% is made up of arsenic. Wow. That sent me right to the window blinds to remove the dust!

7) Read an article on who "invented" the global warming scare and why--it was Margaret Mead!

8) Learned by experimenting that the alcohol hand rub that is now ubiquitous is great for cleaning the bathroom. Dab a little on a cloth and wipe off the toilet flush handle, faucets, door knobs--also does a great job on the mirrors.

9) I made gift cards (I'm not very crafty) for my children's birthdays with inspirational stickers I found in my desk and attached their birthday checks to them--good at any store!

10) Attended a fabulous Thanksgiving service at UALC Lytham Road where Buff Delcamp preached and reminded us that the light of Christ is the answer to darkness in the world (see my #2) and John Stolzenbach got a standing ovation for the 25th anniversary of his ordination. That was followed by a wonderful dinner prepared by my daughter who lives over the river and through Scioto Woods, with lots of left overs to bring home and enjoy. She had alerted me to the pumpkin shortage earlier in the week, but I had a few cans, so we had plenty of pie.


Dave MMHS57 said...

I read the constitution a couple years ago. Let me know if you can find anything about separation of church and state which prohibits religious symbols on government property and why any mention of God is being omitted from a lot of government material.

Dave S.

Norma said...

It's not in that Constitution; I think it's in the "living" one.