Friday, December 04, 2009

When they quote costs, what do they do with this?

Here's a scan of my flu shot "This is not a bill" notice. Does the government say it paid $45 per person or do they use the $31 figure? For several million seniors, that might make a huge difference. And if I'd paid cash, it would have been $25.00. So is this just monopoly money?


Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
You should have said "this is the scam of my flu shot". This kind of reporting happens all the time with the your prescription drug plan.

mdoneil said...

$19.95 to administer a flu shot.

I know plenty of other nurses. We will do it for five bucks each. Record keeping included.

Oh, wait I don't have the proper forms and papers filled out to be a Medicare provider and it would be too burdensome to do so.