Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Who will you believe?

Losing private coverage, cost increases, rationed care, doctors fleeing the field--it’s all there in Obamacare. Why would we want this? What were we promised during the 2008 campaign and since January 20? It hardly matters, does it? Go back and look it up, but it was all Lies. It was all lies. Our representatives have failed us by not reading their bill and then demeaning the outrage of the voters who did read it; our senators might as well be employees of the lobbyists and special interests. We were told the “system” was broken even though over 80% were satisfied with their employer or private based health insurance. In Europe about that many are dissatisfied or think their government plan is broken!

What to think when government agencies have different agendas? The White House Council of Economic Advisors says something completely different than the CBO and the CMMS. The new "fat cat" Obama attacks on the banks is just to take your eye off health care ball/bill, which is probably a ruse to take your eye off the economy busting cap and trade plan, which is probably a deception to confuse you about the complete take over through various regulations, laws and loss of freedoms of everything we thought we had in this country.

Robert Creamer, the Illinois convicted felon who wrote this plan, must be rubbing his hands with glee, a witch over a caldron, "Well my pretties, Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air." Indeed.


Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Lies and deception has become the basis for destroying our great country. People who faithfully watch the news on ABC,CBS and NBC would think that our legislators are slowly curing all of our country's massive problems. They need to tune into Glenn Beck and Fox news to discover what's really going on and that our legislators are the problem not the solution. They lie to the masses openly now without hesitation and then there's Obama who will sign UNREAD legislation into law that is loaded with PORK and has destruction written all over it.

Norma said...

I heard somewhere that Obama gives himself a B+ for his performance so far. I never had grades that puffed up when I was in school. What exactly has he done? Except for receiving an award for doing nothing.

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
The arrogance and ego of this guy never ceases to amaze me. A normal person wouldn't have even tried to answer the question by giving themselves a grade. I give him an "F" for doing so. (It matches up with the other "F's" I've given him)