Sunday, March 21, 2010

Media focus is on racial slurs at tea party

Not on dirty trick tactics, bribes and pay-offs of our President and his Chicago goons. No one even knows if the slurs came from participants concerned about the slide into socialism or if they were Moveonover plants. Does it matter? Does the press ever report the obscene swearing and cussing when the left demonstrates? (BTW, weren't they having a war protest the same day? I didn't see any coverage.) The media doesn't investigate slurs when they are made against Conservatives--like when Fancy Nancy called them Astroturf or the sexual pejoratives. Or when the President the last few days of his recent campaigning threw out all the charges we've made, but didn't deny them? Racial slurs are never appropriate whether coming from the left or right. But the other side sure gets its dander up when they find minorites jumping the fence of the left-owned plantations.

I'm still looking for the men/media who can stop referring to women, even Tiger's lady friends, as bimbos, hotties, and words a real lady would never tolerate. 51.7% of us are female; 80% are white; 12.8% of us are over 65. If it's slurs you want to stop, let's spread the wealth of respect.


Anonymous said...

and there are wars on and young people are dieing.

Norma said...

They are dying. Usually, I don't correct spelling here because people's thoughts get ahead of their fingers, and they know better. In this case, since we're talking about respect, I'm correcting you.

Norma said...

Ann Althouse: " It's also exceedingly lame — and, frankly, racist — for white people to be so quick to think of powerful black politicians as vulnerable and besieged. I assume the black politicians laugh at them in private. The willingness of black politicians to make power moves in racial terms suggests to me that they know exactly what they are doing: leveraging patronization." Exactly.