Wednesday, March 03, 2010

What smoking does for you, Mr. President

Makes you cough.

Makes you stink.

Makes you short of breath.

Makes you feel more stressed, especially if you can't get to a cigarette.

Burns up your discretionary money--$4.00 a pack, so if you are smoking 2 packs a day, that's a huge chunk. A trip to Europe after you're out of office.

Puts you more at risk for preventable diseases
    heart disease
    cancer of the larynx
    cancer of the mouth
    cancer of the bladder
    cancer of the cervix
    cancer of the pancreas
    cancer of the kidneys
Opens you up to respiratory problems
    asthma attacks
to say nothing of yellow, stained teeth, periodontal disease and wrinkles.

And smokers tend to die 7 years earlier than non-smokers.

That said, and obviously I think it's a horrible, life diminishing habit, I think you guys in the government are going too far. "Promoting Health Through Tobacco Taxation" JAMA, Jan. 27, 2010. The very first tax you imposed in office was primarily on lower income people, by raising cigarette taxes.

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