Friday, July 01, 2011

Glenn Beck's final show on Fox and move to GBTV

We don't have cable at Lakeside, so we went to friends' cottage to watch Glenn Beck's final program on Fox last night, and then we all went out to eat at the Patio Restaurant, then back to our home for some wonderful Toft's Blue Berry Waffle Cone Ice Cream.

Glenn is starting his own TV network--I suppose it will be like Oprah's with some programming not from his company, but he'll have a 2 hour news and commentary similar to his current one hour on Fox. It will be by subscription. It was pretty much what we expected--some highlights, chalkboard, and funny stuff, tributes to his staff and audience. One funny clip was showing Jon Stewart's writers (about 15 I think) for his 6 minute monologues, and Glenn's ...two for his 20-40 minute monologues.

I noticed today that Dave Ramsey, a debt counselor, has the same message financially that Glenn has politically: "The government can't fix it. Now is the time for the church to rise up together in faith and lead our nation out of this mess—one family, one church, one community at a time." That's the same message I heard on Glenn Beck's sign off on his final program last night. The power of one.


Anonymous said...

Seems like Glenn loses on this one, he who hires the most people and runs the bigger small business wins. Go Jon!!!! Love his program.

ps, read on to your next blogggo RE small businesses.

And I'm shocked that you would begin to compare Beck's pay to view program to Oprah's true network. O wins that one too. Who wants to pay $4.95 a month to hear him shout Nazi over and over.

Norma said...

Well, we sure pay to view cable. You don't? Beck owns a business, Stewart doesn't--he's just a network lackey. And you can't expect me to believe you actually watch Glenn Beck. Get serious!

Anonymous said...

Just to see what the loonie right yaks about, I have watched a few. He has gotten crazier over the years, his business is selling gold and his tirades. The folks moving off the right edge of the world love him and buy his stuff. I just think there is something wrong with him,,,, hang on. It will come out!! He professes to be some sort of new religious figure,,,pray to him if you like.

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Anon.... if you actually watched Beck it appears you were so loaded with Liberal/Progressive bull-crockery that your brain refused to recognize the truth. Beck's program provides the investigative reporting that the MSM refuses to do. Pay attention and you will be among the millions that will be prepared when the crap hits the fan. More than likely, being the Liberal/Progressive that you are, you don't think there's any crap.

Norma said...

So the huge corporations that own tobacco or oil that advertise on ABC or NBC are the good guys but the gold companies that advertise on Glenn Beck are bad because. . . ?