Sunday, July 03, 2011

Why do American liberals say so little about Islamic views of women?

This of course is a rhetorical question: we know the answer. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." They think they will be able to co-opt the Muslims later, but they'll learn as have centuries of Christians, that you can't co-exist or cooperate with Muslims.

"Islam is a male-made religion, founded on masculinity, patriarchy, and male domination. It is notorious for its repression, subjugation, and discrimination against women. Islamic religion portrays women as inferior to men in every respect-spiritually, physically, mentally, and even intellectually. Islam's holy book, the Koran, divinely sanctions and decrees this negative impression. The Koran has been corroborated by the Hadiths (traditions of Muhammad's sayings and deeds) and perpetuated by the interpretation of the mullahs, the sheiks, and the imams."

Leo Igwe, "Traditional African Practices and Islam"

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