Friday, February 03, 2012

Four Chaplains Day

February 3, 1943 -- Hundreds were killed when a Nazi torpedo struck the U.S. Army Transport ship Dorchester near Greenland. Four chaplains, including two Protestant ministers, a Catholic priest, and a Jewish rabbi distributed life jackets to those who survived the initial blast. When there none left, they ripped off their own life jackets and gave them to four young men. They bowed together in prayer as the ship sank and all four perished in the icy waters. Congress honored them, declaring this to be "Four Chaplains Day."

We need this kind of support from Christians working together to make the Obama Administration back down on its grab to destroy the First Amendment through mandating Catholic institutions to provide birth control and abortion services.

1 comment:

mdoneil said...

Didn't Obama mention this in a speech on Friday.

Ha, I crack myself up.