Friday, February 10, 2012

A book I won't read--Mimi's tale of a handsome lie

"Mimi Alford’s belated tell-all, Once Upon a Secret, should be assigned in women’s-studies classes as an illustration of the power imbalances in employer-employee sexual liaisons, especially those involving commanders-in-chief and their interns. . .

. . . Within her first week as an intern, JFK’s friend and procurer Dave Powers invited her to a midday swim with the president and some of the gals from the secretarial pool. At the end of the day, the rising sophomore at Massachusetts’ Wheaton College was invited to a get-together in the family residence. She was plied with daiquiris, then the president peeled her away from the group with an invitation to a private tour of the residence.

Alford lost her virginity on the fashionably elegant Mrs. Kennedy’s bed. “I wouldn’t describe what happened that night as making love,” Alford writes. “But I wouldn’t call it nonconsensual, either.” "

He never kissed her she says, but required her to perform oral sex on Powers (it was his job to find her an abortion doctor if needed) while he watched and asked for baby brother Teddy.

A handsome lie

Washington Post comments

Rock Center interview

I'm just so very sorry that I ever wept tears over that man in 1963.


LazyRevolution said...

We wish you'd stop blogging.

mdoneil said...

Why would I want to read a book by that bimbo? It is nothing to be proud of.

Anonymous said...

Makes me think of Barbara Walters and her tell all -- young people don't want to know, and old people are just embarrassed for these authors. J

Anonymous said...

Hating Obama blogs isn't enough for you?

Norma said...

I don't read pro-Obama blogs, if that's what you mean. The main stream media bias makes that unneccesary. Or do you mean I WRITE "hating Obama" blogs. I don't do that either. I tell the truth about Obama. You can't point out a single error. Deal with it.

You surely wouldn't be defending a book that makes darling JFK look bad, would you?