Saturday, April 21, 2012

The lede—Grassley vs. the Scandal

Best:  The lede paragraph with the least inflammatory language (uses the verb “ask”), but with the most detailed information is Fox News.

Second is CBS also using the word ask, but doesn’t note the working relationship which apparently is a phrase in the letter.

The most biased is probably HuffPo which uses the odd and wordy, “has engineered an inquiry into” instead of “ask.”

Why he is “Chuck” to conservatives and “Charles” to liberals, probably means something, but what I don’t know.  Not mentioning his name in the lede at all probably also means something. “Ranking” and “top” can go either way.

I didn’t check the entire internet, but in the first 50 listings I didn’t see New York Times, Washington Post, or LA Times, all members of the tight non-vetting, Obamedia, even though New York Times in an earlier article noted that the agreed on price for the call girl was $800.

GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley, the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is asking the Secret Service whether members of the White House advance team are connected to the Colombian prostitution scandal, considering their “close working relationship” with federal agents. [Fox News, cable conservative]

As the Secret Service prostitution scandal deepens, top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee has engineered an inquiry  into whether more individuals were involved.[Huffington Post, online liberal]

Senator Charles Grassley, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to the head of the Secret Service Friday evening asking if White House staff are also subjects of the investigation into the Colombian prostitution scandal. [CBS News, mainstream broadcast]

Sen. Chuck Grassley, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, is questioning the U.S. Secret Service about possible involvement of White House staff in the Colombian prostitution scandal. [Washington Times, conservative]

The prostitution scandal which has devastated the Secret Service could be set to spread to the White House. A senior Republican has urged the investigation into what happened in Colombia ahead of Barack Obama's trip there to extend to presidential staff who were preparing for his visit. [Mail online, UK celeb news]

The ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee has asked the U.S. Secret Service about the potential involvement of White House staff in the prostitution scandal in Colombia. [CNN cable, liberal]


Norma said...

Mark Steyn now calls this scandal, "Grope and Change." The change here I believe refers to paying the "escort" $28 instead of $800.

Anonymous said...

The UK Mail is the only one that actually uses Barack Obama's name. Is that for their readers or because they want to draw attention to him rather than the people who work for him.