If you haven't watched this story line on TV or movies, it's standard fare for affairs. And David Petraeus, military hero and head of the CIA, was blackmailed--but by the White House. Or attempted blackmail--it looks like he wouldn't play along--although the Benghazi story just keeps growing. Let's see if he'll testify, or if they have something even bigger on him. Meanwhile, you can count on our media to only investigate the sex story.
I've heard 2 interviews today with Newt Gingrich about his new book, but since he was a candidate earlier in the year, he's asked about the current scandal with Petraeus and now another guy (I'm losing track) also connected to one of the women with 30,000 pages of e-mail. I wanted to yell POT KETTLE (Newt is a serial philanderer and had to have 2 marriages annulled to marry his current wife), but I also realize this is not about sex despite how the media plays it. It's about blackmail and a huge cover up and a president who is unfaithful to the people who elected him.
Do I think the Petraeus affair if known before the election would have changed things? No. 1) The general electorate hadn't even heard about Benghazi so they would have said, big deal, some guy was unfaithful to his wife. 2) Nothing would stop an Obama supporter from voting. 3) A Petraeus affair wouldn't get the Christians and Republicans to the polls who already believed it wouldn't matter. What's important is Obama apparently thought it would matter, and he did yet another cover up.
Since Sept. 11, 2012 no one in the administration has told us the truth. But they practiced for 4 years to get it right. Half of the electorate will follow him anywhere.
On Morning Edition this morning, there were 2 back to back stories, one quite long about both men involved, plus a top of the hour news brief. Not one mention of Benghazi, not even to say that Petreaus would no longer be testifying at hearings this week. So of course no mention of his now debunked "the video caused it" version of The Benghazi tragedy. MWM
The media can draw better ratings with sex than with a political scandal that dwarfs Watergate, in which no one died.
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