Sunday, November 11, 2012

Some Twits don't understand economics

It seems there is a discussion on Twitter that some Twits are upset that restaurants might have to consider lay offs because of Obamacare.  Libs think that is “punishing” people because of the election results.  Really?  I guess if there is $80,000-$100,000 less in the budget, they should just expand anyway, or keep giving raises?

“Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter was hammered with Twitter abuse after informing shareholders and franchisees in August that implementing Obamacare would necessarily increase costs of running the business.” 

Doh!  Didn’t Nancy Pelosi promise this when she said we’d have to wait to find out what was in the bill?  Some bold Twits are calling for a boycott.  Now that should really help restaurant employees, but that’s what liberals know about economics.

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