Sunday, November 11, 2012

Expect more global warmists fear mongering


Sandy was a terrible tragedy for many.  Lives. Property. Memories.  The climate will be blamed for “changing,” but not the federal government which has encouraged wealthy home owners to build in areas that need to remain barriers for normal outcomes of bad storms.  The poor aren’t the only ones addicted to government hand outs.

I’ve looked over the maps of Lake Erie going back hundreds of years  where we have our summer home, and right now the lake is very low.  But when we first vacationed there in the 1970s it was so high it was eating up many vacation homes built close to the water.  Artificial barriers were built to hold back the water.  That worked well—simply gouged out the beaches behind the barriers.

Historically, insurance companies have been wary of offering flood insurance to homeowners because the risks associated with flood insurance are difficult to forecast, so any private insurance that had been offered was prohibitively expensive for average homeowners.

But in the 1960s, frequent flooding of the Mississippi River was driving up the costs of federal disaster-relief programs. In an effort to reduce these costs, Congress set up the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to provide flood insurance to the general public and promote effective floodplain management. Under the program, homeowners in certain areas of the U.S. are required to buy flood insurance, and communities that hope to benefit from the program have to enforce city-planning regulations set out by FEMA, which manages NFIP.

Read more:

Al Gore has made millions on his climate scam, and Sandy will only encourage him. In 1502 Columbus warned the Governor of Hispanola of a coming storm, and he was ignored. Within two days the storm struck in the Mona Passage between Hispanola and Puerto Rico, and sank 21 of his 30 ships, and killed approximately 500 sailors. Nasty stuff, that global warming.

Check out this site for the listing of the terrible hurricanes of the 1950s-1970s

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