Thursday, November 08, 2012

Tell me again about the Nobel Peace Prize

“Obama has tripled the presence of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, escalated the nightmare of drone bombings in Pakistan, and started a war with Libya that his administration claimed even Congress had no power to stop. Despite his occasional lip service to free markets, peace, and the rule of law, Obama has pushed for the radical expansion of state power in virtually every area he could. “ Anthony Gregory

And he’s running a pipeline of weapons from Libya to Syria.  Some peace prize he is.  I wonder if they’ll ever do that again—award a prize on the basis of nothing.  Zip. Nada. Zilch.



Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Ask Soros about that. He made it happen!

Norma said...

Looking back and comparing his in office record of interfering in civil wars all over the middle east, it's an odd memory. How can smart people be so consistently wrong. You're thinking, "Follow the money, right?"

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
I was referring to the Peace Prize and the tremendous power and influence Soros has to make things happen. In my mind there is no other explanation. Same with Gore.