Sunday, April 07, 2013

Plan B for children, brought to you by the party that thinks IDs for adults is racist

So. Why do you suppose the abortion industry is pushing Plan B on young girls? Certainly isn't for their health, is it? It's against the law for men to be having sex with young girls. Then they can just send them to the drug store. Mom and Dad will be in for a surprise when either the abortion or baby (these drugs must be used exactly as directed) or the venereal disease arrives for their daughter not yet old enough to drive.

Have you figured it out? This will actually create more pregnancies (more sex does that), and that means more money for the abortion industry. An ob/gyn who does abortions can make more money before noon on one day than he can in a month of delivering babies which require months of pre-natal care. 

For as long as stats have been kept on contraception, the more it is available, the more sex happens and babies are conceived and the more STDs infect women.

Brought to you by the same party who thinks an ID for adults to vote is racist.

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