Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The President’s pardon record

Yesterday the President pardoned a turkey. But for humans, not so much. He has the worst record for pardons of any president other than George Washington and those who died after a short time in office. It's something like 1 in 6,000+ requests, compared to Clinton’s which was 1 in 190 something. Not to turn this into a race issue, but aren't blacks disproportionately represented in the prison population?


Anonymous said...

I saw a graph representing the pardon rate by Prez and also saw the rate has fallen off for recent Presidents. Just thought how cool it would be if he pardoned all the offenders of petty non-violent crimes such as being caught with a joint. And I don't even care what color their skin is,,, or their country of birth, or their religion. Happy Day!!! And what did race have to do with your comment??? Since your not a racist, or a skin-color snob??

Norma said...

So it's racist to point out the disproportion number of blacks in prison, like you think it's racist to point out 40% of the abortions are for black babies. Or that black youth are disproportionately represented in unemployment. What has the president done about these? He's increased racialist comments; he's divided the nation with comments like he made about Trayvon Martin and Lewis Gates; he's ignored the plain fact that the poor don't need his handouts they need jobs and pride in accomplishments. What they don't need is the rich (Obama is a millionaire as are most of the Democrats in his inner circle like Jarrett and Kerry) feeling self-righteous because they've given the poor another piece of someone else's pie.

Anonymous said...

Good for you!whomever you are often felt that way from reading this stuff none so blind as those that chose not to see. blind folks see it better that this one what a shame-Brother all are we