Saturday, January 13, 2018

Andrew Klavan on the Trump dustup

Our president could have found better words to express his frustration for the bill the senators brought back to him which didn’t include the conditions on which there will be relief for DACA.  He says he didn’t say what was leaked to the Washington Post, which publishes almost 100% negative, hateful and easily questioned stories about him.  In my opinion WaPo has become a fish wrapper and I don’t trust it at all.  

Please read the article in City Journal by Andrew Klavan. I’ve included an excerpt. 

“Donald Trump. He is a rude and crude person. He speaks like a Queens real estate guy on a construction site. And because he does not have good manners, he thoughtlessly breaks the rules with which the Left has sought to muzzle those who disagree with them. In this regard, I frequently compare Trump to Randle Patrick McMurphy, the loudmouthed, ill-mannered roustabout from Ken Kesey’s brilliant novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. McMurphy comes into an insane asylum controlled by a pleasant, smiling nightmare of a head nurse named Ratched. Nurse Ratched, while pretending to be the soul of motherly care, is actually a castrating, silencing tyrant. . . .

I don’t know exactly what Trump said in a closed-door meeting with senators at the White House this week. Unnamed sources say that he referred to some African countries and Haiti as “sh*!itholes.” Maybe so; sounds like him. In any case, when it comes to a chance to attack Trump, our journalists don’t waste time with fact-gathering or source-identifying. Like Madonna, they just strike a pose. Various media knuckleheads have reacted to the alleged comment by calling Trump “racist,” “Nazi,” “Evil,” and a “terrorist sympathizer.”

[But they have been calling him that for at least 2 years for no reason. nb]

(Personally, my first thought on hearing about the remark was: “What squirrely little tattle-tale of a weasel went running to the press with that?” But never mind. That’s just me.) . . .

Let’s state the obvious. Some countries are sh*!tholes. To claim that this is racist is racist. They are not shitholes because of the color of the populace but because of bad ideas, corrupt governance, false religion, and broken culture. Further, most of the problems in these countries are generated at the top. Plenty of rank-and-file immigrants from such ruined venues ultimately make good Americans—witness those who came from 1840s potato-famine Ireland, a sh*!hole if ever there was one! It takes caution and skill to separate the good from the bad.” . . .

[My family beat the rush—came from Ireland before the Revolutionary War—some shipped out in a prison ship for crimes against landed aristocracy—stealing fruit from trees on their land.  njb]

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