Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Hope for the future--Thoughts after the State of the Union speech

"For the first time since the 80s, I am thinking it may be possible for my children to enjoy the successes possible through hard work that were obtainable in the past in this great country. Our economy is finally growing again, and in a big way! Optimism is back. Common sense changes are happening, like deregulation of job killing laws. Employment is up for minorities. Jobs are coming back to America that were leaving in the last several decades because of our more competitive corporate tax rates. Trade will no longer favor other countries more than the USA. So happy to see our country returning to what it used to be and the possibility of people thriving via hard work again. MAGA!"  Jennifer Rymer Krawsczyn


Norma said...

When Trump said 401-k's, pensions, and college funds were soaring (that's just about everyone), the Democrats gave it a D+--Republicans and Independents, a A. Shows you how much Democrats care about the middle class.

Norma said...

Nancy Pelosi looked uncomfortable sitting on her hands as others applauded God, country and American values.